Make check payable to La’Ofek, and mail to: POB 214, Alon Shvut, 90433
Bank Transfer
The nameof account holder:La’Ofek
Bank name: Pagi
Bank number: 52
Branch Number :182
Bank address:24 Kanfei Nesharim Street
Jerusalem, Israel
Account number / IBAN number
Account number: 751583
IBAN: IL850521820000000751583
SWIFT code
+972 -8-672-5671
To receive a digital receipt, please send your email address and phone number
By Mail
Write check payable to Central Fund of Israel;Mark “La’Ofek” on memo line. Mail to Sue Dzik; 6046 Tyndall Avenue, Bronx, New York 10471-1813 Tax ID: 13-2992985
By Interac
Online donations can be made using Interac. If you are a registered user of Interac, simply use as the recipient email address. Choose your donation amount and list “La’Ofek” in the message box
By Mail
Write check payable to “Ne’eman Foundation Canada”. Mark “La’Ofek” in memo line. Mail to: Ne’eman Foundation Canada164 York Hill Boulevard, Thornhill, ON L4J 2P6 Canada
Online Select Canadian Dollar Donations option. Select La’Ofek from drop down
Speak directly to Ne’eman Foundation Canada to donate stocks.
Bank Transfer
Speak directly to Ne’eman Foundation Canada to make a bank transfer